Perhaps the most unique gift that Kevin G. Blackwell possesses is his ability to communicate with anyone throughout time. Take a look at the video below to hear him explain when this gift came to his attention. And as you peruse the other audio and video clips on this site as well as the writings, you can get more information on his channeling gift and some of the messages he has received over the past 30 plus years and the information he continues to channel to this day.
Within the context of a personal reading, Kevin can utilize this gift to channel information from your higher self, your guardian angels, your spirit guides and ancestors providing you with deep insight about your mission, calling and destiny and an awe-inspiring glimpse of magnitude and magnificence of your being.
Unlike other channelers, who mostly focus on channeling a particular entity or groups of beings, Blackwell's connections are seemingly endless. Through him, communicate with aspects of yourself, ask questions of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Isis or anyone you can think of - ask them each the same questions and see how their answers differ and where they invariably overlap. Connect with the angelic realm, with fairies, devas and beings from other space time continuums. Get insight into historical events and tap the wisdom of our ancestors. What does Jefferson think about today's politics, what intrigues Einstein most about today's technology? What do the captains of industry think about your business idea? Connect with distant and deceased loved ones, delve into alternate future lives. This is a rare case in which the possibilities are truly limitless.
With deference to the wisdom of the ages and respect for the innate brilliance of all beings, Blackwell humbly channels messages across time and place and demonstrates in a unique and compelling fashion that we truly are one.
Reserve time and experience this gift today.
Within the context of a personal reading, Kevin can utilize this gift to channel information from your higher self, your guardian angels, your spirit guides and ancestors providing you with deep insight about your mission, calling and destiny and an awe-inspiring glimpse of magnitude and magnificence of your being.
Unlike other channelers, who mostly focus on channeling a particular entity or groups of beings, Blackwell's connections are seemingly endless. Through him, communicate with aspects of yourself, ask questions of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Isis or anyone you can think of - ask them each the same questions and see how their answers differ and where they invariably overlap. Connect with the angelic realm, with fairies, devas and beings from other space time continuums. Get insight into historical events and tap the wisdom of our ancestors. What does Jefferson think about today's politics, what intrigues Einstein most about today's technology? What do the captains of industry think about your business idea? Connect with distant and deceased loved ones, delve into alternate future lives. This is a rare case in which the possibilities are truly limitless.
With deference to the wisdom of the ages and respect for the innate brilliance of all beings, Blackwell humbly channels messages across time and place and demonstrates in a unique and compelling fashion that we truly are one.
Reserve time and experience this gift today.
(The clip featured above is from the 2008 film, The Story of My Awakening, soon to be available as a DVD on Amazon and through Amazon Video on Demand.)